
Climate Smart Societies

Climate Smart Societies   A surge in energy demand increased global carbon emission levels to a 7 year high in 2018 (BP, 2019). Global temperatures in 2018 were 0.83°C warmer than mean temperatures between 1951 and 1980, with the past 5 years representing the warmest years since records began (NASA, 2019). The economic impact of natural disasters rose to USD 160 billion in 2018, almost 15% above the inflation-adjusted average over the last 30 years (Low, 2019). Clearly, another landmark year for the continuous intensification of the effects and impact of anthropogenic climate change India is ranked sixth among the ten most affected countries in the world as per the Global Climate Risk Index 2016, and accounts for about seven per cent of the global Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. It is therefore a crucial actor when it comes to dealing with climate change related issues. Developing climate services and increasing the number of professionals and students trained in meteorology an...

Binary Number System

 Binary Number System: The number system wit base(or radix) two is known  as the binary number system .Only two symbols   are used to represent numbers in this system and these are 0 and 1. These are known as bits.  Decimal to binary conversion : Any decimal number can be converted into its equivalent binary number. For integers ,the conversion is obtained by continuous division by 2 and keeping track of the remainder, while for fractional parts, the conversion is affected by continuous multiplication by 2 and keeping track of the integers generated . Example: Convert (13) 10 an equivalent base-2 number  For Fractional number  Example: Convert (0.65625) 10  to an  equivalent base-2 number  Example: Express the 25.5 decimal numbers in the binary  from : Binary to Decimal : Any binary number can be converted into its equivalent decimal number using the weights assigned to each  bit position. Example: find the decimal equivalent o...

Number System

 Number System  Any number system there is an ordered set of symbols known as digits with rules defined for performing arithmetic operation like addition, multiplication etc. A collection of these digits makes a number which in general has two parts -- integer and fractional, set apart by a radix point(.)                    where N= a number               b=radix or base of the number system               n = number of digits in integer portion               m=number of digits in fractional portion           d n-1 = most significant digit(msd)           d -m =least significant digit(lsd) Types of Number System The four most common number system types are: Decimal number system (Base- 10) Binary number system (Base- 2) Oct...

Array in C++

 Array:   Array in C++ Array is defined as an ordered list of homogeneous data element. May be of type int, float,char or double  All these element are stored in consecutive memory locations An array is described by a single name or an identifier and each element in an array is referenced by a subscript  enclosed  in a pair of square brackets Syntax:               type variable_name[lengthofarry]; Program: Write a program take input and display the element using array in cpp. Code: #include< iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,arr[100],no; cout<<"Enter the number of element (less than 100)"; cin>>no; for(i=0;i<no;i++) { cout<<"Enter the element at"<<i <<" place"; cin>>arr[i]; } cout<<"Elemen in the arry is :"; i=0; while(i<no) { cout<<"\n"<<arr[i]; i++; } } Ouput: Enter the number of element (less than 100...